Thursday, October 04, 2007


Today I was very diligent in doing some homework and when I finished I decided to take one of my famous 15 min power naps, that usually turn into a hour in a half comma that leaves me more tired than before. I awoken realizing I had a weird dream that I wanted to share before I forgotten it, maybe I can decipher some kind of meaning from it.

The main things about the dream that I can remember is one of my daughters in the kitchen, elbow deep into a box of cereal sifting through the goodness, something I despise. I screamed, “Put that cereal back!” The next thing I remember about my dream was I noticed someone had left my sprinklers on in my front yard, flooding it. Then I went inside where I seen a young Mexican boy sliding down the railing of my stare case. He was dressed like a thug and was wearing lots of bling.

Not knowing where this teen age hood rat came from I followed him down stairs. As I turned the corner, my eyes scanned the living room for this boy that was obviously here stealing something. I spotted him and grabbed his arm! He squirmed and attempted to break my grip yelling at me to let go. I began to yell at him right back, “What are you doing in my house?” The boy that couldn’t be over 13 began to cry. I tried to calm down and began to explain to him I just want him to empty his pockets so I know he didn’t steal anything of mine. He reluctantly did, knowing I would not release my kung-fu grip on his arm until he followed my instruction.

He started empting his pockets on a bed that was in the middle of my dreamy living room, which was odd in itself, but seemed normal at the time. From his pocked came normal things, small toys, loose change and a book of matches. I picked up the matches and he began to cry again. My anger has totally left at this point and I felt sorry that I intimidated this young man and made him cry. I began to try to comfort him, telling him I didn’t care if he had matches and I would not tell on him. I said, “Do you understand…Comprede`?”

Immediately I noticed him clutching a knife, he then preceded to plug it into my chest, awaking me from my slumber.

Now reflecting on this dream this is what I can ascertain from the events.

• I hate people eating cereal in the middle of the day and with there hands no less.

• I might be over watering my lawn

Lastly and much more interesting, I must think that every little Mexican boy is out to rob me and when I start talking bad Spanish to him when he obviously speaks English, he will stab me in my awful, cold, black, racist heart!


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