Friday, July 01, 2005

Issue 2, off and rolling!

Working on Issue 2 of Texas Tenaka, I've been feeling a little un inspired lately due to some pubishing set backs and just bogged down with other stuff. Summer is a time I go to the pool with the kids, and generally them being home all day I get little done. Tonight My wife took the tikes to the show and let me caught up on some stuff, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Here is a shot from the new book. This is Grady O'Callahan, the Shamrock Kid. He's a scrappy little potato eatin' mick that licks a good tussle. Can't wait for people to meet him, and all these crazy characters i've been writing in the last year. It's gonna be a fun ride.

Well, I better make use of my time, and get back to the drawing board. I'm listing to my Sox on the ole XM radio get routed by the jays 11 to 1, ugh! At least they are in first!


1 comment:

Jeff Himself said...

Thanks Mark. I know what your saying. I think i get more done because of the Family life sometimes, it helps me not take my time for granted. I never know when I'm gonna get more time, so I just make sure when I get it, to use it wisly. But I'm human, I have my days of laziness and not getting much done.

But I'm lucky my kids are older and don't need to be "watched" It's tough at the age your kids are at Mark, where if it's too quite in the house, you know somethings up.

Glad you liked the drawing.