Sunday, January 08, 2006


This is a true horror movie in every scence of the word for those of us that love the genre. Yes, it has suspense and thrills but it also has something that these PG-13, so called horror movies don't have; graphic and gratuitous violence! It's about fucking time!

The Movie opens with three travels (two college age guys and their Icelandic travel buddy that they befriended on during their trip) as they trek across Europe to find "drugs and pussy" and they find an abundance of both.

Like your typical horror movie is have lots of sex and nudity which is cool, unless your the dumbness who brought your 14 year old step daughter to watch it with you, then it's a bit uncomfortable to watch. What this movie is about is simple in promos but is smart in execution. I'm not going to get into plot details because I do believe the best Horror experience is when you go into a movie cold, as I did with this one. Never knowing where the horror is coming from or knowing all the reasons why.

Unlike most horror flics, this movie is smart, well written and directed. It has very good acting for a horror movie, and the acting really sells the brutality of some of these sences.

The scenes are violent and ruthless, there is some very unsettling things to watch but you can't turn away from them. This movie doesn't try to hide behind some deranged serial killer or homicidal maniac or the super natural element to explain these violent acts...better yet. They put a spin on it that makes it quite believable but still disturbing. Very new school horror

The setting was perfect. Your in another country where you don't have friends to call for help, you don't know your surroundings and you can't just pick up a phone and call 911. That element really helps you believe the atrocities that will accrue later in the film.

This film pushes the suspense to a new horrifying level with some really big pay offs with blood and guts. I can't wait for the unrated directors cut DVD that is sure to hit the shelves.

I can't say I'm a fan of many horror movies in the past decade, but this is now on the top of my list. One of the best I've seen in a while, check it out and don't forget to bring the little ones, fun for the whole family!


Jeff Himself said...

I called it, it was #1 at the box office

Jeff Himself said...

I called it, it was #1 at the box office